The Service at St. Andrew's

Services at St. Andrew's consist of singing hymns or choruses, calls and response from the Book of Alternative Services, a youth message, scripture readings from the Old Testament, Psalms, New Testament and the Gospels, a short sermon, prayers for ourselves and others, and Communion. Services involve the priest, lay people and the congregation contributing throughout. St. Andrew's Anglican Church has screens to follow along with the service and songs, which also indicate at what time the congregation traditionally stands. You may sit or kneel during prayers.


There's a place at the table for you! All persons are invited to receive either the Sacrament or a Blessing (indicated by crossing your arms over your chest). The common cup and individual cup are both offered (to indicate you are waiting for the individual cup, place one arm over your chest). Gluten-free wafers are available upon request.

Children at St. Andrew's

We love children at St. Andrew's! Children ages 4-12 are welcome to attend Sunday School, which begins after the youth message during the service. Children are also welcome to stay in the service. There are activity bags in the lobby for children who may need a distraction, and parents are also welcome to supervise young children in the playroom.

Coffee Fellowship

After the service, you may join us in the hall for coffee, tea, juice and snacks. We'd love to visit with you!

Is there a monetary offering collected during the service?

There is an offering plate at the back of the sanctuary where church members may leave offerings upon entering the sanctuary. For more ways to give, see our Giving page.

How do I dress for church?

There is no dress code; come how you are comfortable. Parishioners come dressed in a variety of styles, from jeans to suits, t-shirts to dresses.

Is the church accessible?

St. Andrew's Anglican Church is all on one level. There is a ramp to the front entrance, and the back entrance is at ground level. There are also wheelchair accessible stalls in the bathrooms. There are no automatic door openers.

Where do I park?

There is street parking, as well parking along the side of the church and in the back. You are also welcome to park across the street in the Camrose Dental Health Centre parking lot on Sunday mornings.